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Vision, Mission & Values


A Pioneering Centre of Excellence, serving the socio-economic needs of a diverse community, with world class innovative education and training.


Our mission is to promote futuristic advanced multi modal education and training to students for the upliftment of the broader community by offering responsive and relevant Programmes.


At Coastal TVET College we are guided by the following values which are important to us as an organisation:

Ethical : We value ethical conduct at all levels within the institution.

Teamwork (Cooperative Attitude): Our employees work as a team and value the contributions of each individual. We know that our people are our most important resource.

Accountability: All college employees are accountable for their deliverable.

Commitment: We are committed in responding to the training and development needs of our broader community.

Integrity: Employees demonstrate honesty, sound moral and strong ethical principles at the work place.

Respect: Upholding human dignity amongst colleagues, clients and stakeholders.